Apple vs Samsung comparison essay | 819 words – Top Essay Writers UK
Apple vs Samsung comparison essay |819 words
Mobile phones are indeed the hottest device trend. More than a billion mobile phones are sold each year worldwide, of which 20% are smartphones (Kenny and Pon, 2011). A 100 percent yearly surge in smartphone sales predicts that by 2015 there will be 2 billion people around the world using smartphones (Kenny and Pon, 2011).
In the smartphone sector, both Apple and Samsung have evolved and hold a significant stake. Apple and Samsung together account for a significant portion of the worldwide smartphone market. According to the International Data Corporation (IDC), Apple sold 18.7 million units globally in 2012, a 10 million unit increase over the previous year’s 8.7 million units (Albanesius, 2011).
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With a 10.8% share of the market, Samsung has risen from 2.4 million units to 10.8 million, placing it in fourth place overall (Albanesius, 2011). Samsung’s Galaxy S series handsets compete with Apple’s iPhone in the mobile industry. Apple and Samsung, the two leading smartphone manufacturers, are compared and contrasted in this study.
An investigation of the aspects and applications of technology is a goal of this research work. In 2007, Apple introduced the truly innovative and ground-breaking iPhone, making it the industry’s first mobile internet device. Apple provided its customers with a full-featured web browser on the iPhone, allowing them to access the internet at any time (Kenny and Pon, 2011).
When it comes to smartphones and apps, Apple’s iOS is unrivalled in its vertical integration with software and hardware components. As a “handset-only manufacturer,” Samsung makes use of Android-based operating systems that are licenced from Google (Kenny and Pon, 2011). When it comes to Samsung’s Galaxy S line of smartphones, it employs Android, whereas its bada-powered devices run Windows 7.
However, despite their differing operating systems, the design of the Samsung Galaxy S series and Apple’s iPhones have many similarities. Like the iPhone, Samsung’s smartphones have a roughly equivalent screen, design, and feel. In addition to using touch technology, both phones have speech to text and other features that are common to both. However, the design and manufacturing processes of both smartphone manufacturers are completely different.
Unlike Samsung, which is primarily a manufacturing corporation, Apple is fully engaged in the creation of its smartphone software. This is the most significant difference between the two industry leaders. Samsung provides a large portion of Apple’s manufacturing needs (Vergara, 2012).
Located in South Korea, Samsung is the world’s leading manufacturer and supplier of electronic components in both raw and finished forms (Vergara, 2012). Flash memory, DRAM, and the applications processor (AP) make for 26% of Apple’s iPhone mechanical parts, all of which are procured from third parties (Vergara, 2012).
Using Apple’s App Store, iPhone users may purchase software that are only available to those who own an iPhone. Additionally, Apple’s iTunes store and library are two of its most popular offerings (Apple: Apple Reports Third Quarter Results, 2010). Additional smartphones from Apple are released every few years, with new capabilities, a better user interface, and greater ease of use (Kenny and Pon, 2011).
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Since its first introduction in 2007, the iPhone has released 5 new versions. Customers have a great deal of faith and loyalty in Apple. iPhone consumers have the greatest customer satisfaction of 83%, according to research and polls (Siren, 2011). In contrast, Samsung’s Android OS received a grade of 77 percent (Siren, 2011).
There is a wide variety of media applications available through the iTunes store for iPhone 5, which makes it an exceptional user experience and a powerful brand. Apple’s smartphones are quite popular and have a large part of the market due to the wide range of features that are readily available. SAMSUNG has so far failed to develop its own software or interface capable of competing with Apple’s iOS on the iPhone (Kenny and Pon, 2011).
Samsung’s smartphones lost their distinctiveness to most of its rivals that use broadly similar OS since they run on Android, a Google-built operating system. To put it another way: this truth has a substantial effect on Apple’s earnings as the # #1 smartphone brand (Kenny and Pon, 2011). Samsung, on the other hand, has upped its game against Apple by releasing the Galaxy 4.
Unlike the iPhone, the Galaxy 4 has a bigger screen and aslim design. There are a number of parallels between the Galaxy S5 and the iPhone 5, so it’s going to be a close battle. As the “product of the year,” it boasts a crisper, clearer, and broader screen than the Galaxy 3. (Arch Rivals: Samsung Vs. Apple, 2013). In terms of screen size, the Samsung Galaxy 4 beats over Apple’s iPhone 5.
It contains the most recent Android software, 4.2, and twice as much RAM as the iPhone 5, making it twice as fast. As a result of Samsung phones being cheaper than Apple’s iPhone, Samsung has increased its market share in the smartphone sector (Arch Rivals: Samsung Vs. Apple).
Albanesius, C. (2011). IDC: Consumers Snapping Up Apple, HTC, Samsung Smartphones. Retrieved from http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2385013,00.asp
Apple: Apple Reports Third Quarter Results. (2011). Retrieved from http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2011/07/19Apple-Reports-Third-QuarterResults.html
Arch Rivals: Samsung Vs. Apple. (2013). Retrieved from http://seekingalpha.com/article/1283321-arch-rivals-samsung-vs-apple
Kenny, M. & Pon, B. (2011). Structuring the smartphone industry: Is the mobile internet OS platform the key? Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/10419/44498
Siren, A. (2011). Apple, Nokia and RIM – Rivalry and Co-operation between Three Mobile Phone Corporations. Retrieved from http://doria17-kk.lib.helsinki.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/72522/nbnfi-fe201111075807.pdf?sequence=3
Vergara, R. (2012). Samsung Electronics and Apple, Inc.: A Study in Contrast in Vertical Integration in the 21st Century. American International Journal of Contemporary Research, Vol. 2 No. 9.
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